Luca Santocono

Zeezwaluwstraat 79 2583 RH

Den Haag, Nederland

mobile: +31 (0) 611 758721


Date of Birth: August 22, 1981

Place of Birth: Merano (BZ), Italy

February 2018 – present

Lead Software Engineer, Xelion, Delft, NL.


Xelion delivers a cloud communication platform for business clients, which allows to integrate the company communication like telephony, contact, instant messaging and e-mail management in one application.


I am part of the Xelion R&D DevOps team responsible for the requirement gathering, design, development, testing and maintenance of the applications needed to deliver the cloud communication platform.


Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Requirement gathering, design, development, testing and production deployment of  microservices containing REST services using JavaEE, Spring, Gradle, Open Liberty, Docker, and the Amazon AWS IaaS platform.
  • Troubleshooting of production issues on deployed microservices on the Amazon AWS IaaS platform by analyzing log files.
  • Administration of servers and tools needed for the development and continuous integration/delivery pipeline like Jenkins, TeamCity, Nexus and SonarQube.
  • Requirement gathering, design, development and testing of new features in the legacy core application using Java 8/11, Swing, Corba, C++ and Tomcat.


January 2014 – February 2018

Software Engineer, ICS International card services, Diemen, NL.


ICS is a credit card issuer providing credit cards to his customers.


I was part of the ICS web application team responsible for the design, development, testing and maintenance of web applications used by customers to do home banking tasks on their credit cards.


Tasks and responsibilities include:

  • Design, development and testing of REST services using JavaEE, Spring and Maven.
  • Design, development and testing of SOAP webservices using JavaEE, Spring and Maven.
  • Frontend development using ReactJs, AngularJs, Javascript, Ajax, JSPs, CSS and HTML.
  • Administration of Microsoft Azure cloud servers with IBM DB2, Nexus, Jenkins, SonarQube, Websphere and Wildfly/Jboss.
  • Troubleshooting of production issues on deployed applications by analyzing log files.
  • Making sure that the continuous integration/delivery pipeline is continuously working.
  • Work is done in agile Scrum teams with software like Jira and Confluence.

June 2011 – January 2014

Software Engineer, IMC financial markets & asset management, Amsterdam, NL.


Part of the connectivity team of IMC, connecting to more than 80 exchanges from all over the world (Europe, Asia Pacific, USA) having as main goals testing/validating and improving high frequency/low latency custom software for trading. As a result I'm knowledgeable in various stock exchange protocols like: Cboe, FIX, FAST/FIX, OMNeT, Itch/Ouch, Cmi/Csm.


Tasks and responsibilities include:

  • Write Junit testcases for test automation which reproduce production scenarios.
  • Maintaining and improving the proprietary test framework written in Java.
  • Maintaining and improving the continuous delivery/continuous deployment process using TeamCity and Maven.
  • Develop new features in Java and C.
  • Handling critical production issues.
  • Process alignment with tools and standards used at IMC: Nexus, Git, Maven, Jira, Confluence and other proprietary internal tools.

January 2011 – June 2011

Technical Response Team Engineer, Adobe Systems, Edinburgh, UK.


Working in Adobe’s LiveCycle technical response team for enterprise customers.


Tasks and responsibilities include:


  • Provide responsive assistance to customers.
  • Troubleshoot, qualify and document cases.

·         Develop business applications with the Adobe LiveCycle suite.

·         Installation and Configuration of JBoss, IBM Websphere, Oracle WebLogic to use with Adobe LiveCycle.

·         Provide on-site assistance as needed to resolve product issues.


January 2010 – January 2011

Software Developer, Verifone, Milan, Italy.


Design, development and testing of software applications for embedded Point of Sales devices with the responsibility of choosing the most appropriate technologies, which include:

  • Java with the Spring, Hibernate and Swing frameworks for the development of Desktop applications to interface the terminals with a human operator.
  • C language for the development of applications on terminals with an ARM CPU on it.



November 2008 – December 2009

Research Graduate Fellow, National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy.


Design, development and testing of distributed web services for the DRIVER digital repository infrastructure system using the following technologies:


  •  Java with the Spring and GWT frameworks and Maven as build automation and dependency management tool.
  • Interaction with Postgresql as database management system to store the data coming from the web application.
  • Comparison of the Git, CVS, SVN, Mercurial an Bazaar version control tools.

June 2004 -

December 2004

Internship, FutureBrain S.r.l., Merano (BZ), Italy.


Compilation of the Linux kernel and customization of open source software for a compact flash card based Linux distribution using Python as language for the personalization.



Italian national exam for becoming information engineer, Pisa, Italy.

Allowance to enter the Italian professional body of information engineers.


MS Computer Engineering, University of Pisa - Faculty of Engineering, Pisa, Italy.

Thesis title: “Design and development of a nesC to C language translator for the Erika real-time kernel”,


Erasmus Semester, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland.


Course in network management and network security of LANs, European Union, Pisa, Italy


CCNA - Cisco Networking Academy Program certificate, University of Pisa and Cisco Systems, Pisa, Italy. Coursework for professional network configurations.


BS Computer Engineering, University of Pisa - Faculty of Engineering, Pisa, Italy.



Native My mother tongue.


Native My second mother tongue.


Fluent Speaking, reading, and writing.


Fluent Speaking, reading, and writing.



German - Italian language knowledge certificate - Level A, Province of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy.


B driving license.